What is this?

Latin America is a distinct geographical and cultural region of the American continent, comprising all the Spanish and Portuguese-speaking countries and territories in the Western Hemisphere. It is largely characterized by its multi-ethnic societies, complex social and political dynamics, and deep and enduring legacies of colonialism. In spite of their shared language and religion, the countries of Latin America have been highly diverse, both culturally and economically. Political and economic legacies of colonialism include racial and class inequality, unequal access to resources, and extreme levels of poverty. The region’s economic and political environment, at once postcolonial and globalized, makes it an ideal laboratory for the study of social policy, power and rights.

See also: global south, global north, human right, climate change, economic justice

ClimateExistence Day 1: Existence Beyond the House that Modernity Built by Vanessa Andreotti 1,207

Vanessa Andreotti | What Could Possibly Go Right? 1,158

Encontro Internacional "Sinergias para a Transformação Social" - Vanessa Andreotti 221

Vanessa Andreotti II mooduli loeng. Globaalse maailmakodaniku haridus ja õiglus. 171

Gesturing towards decolonial futures by Professor Vanessa Andreotti 150

EP13. Vanessa Andreotti (Part 2): Sober up, Clean up, Show up 88